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Children/Supported children
Our definition for supported child.
This definition is different for a Student Allowance and Jobseeker Support Student Hardship.
For the Student Allowance a child is someone:
- who is under 24 years old and lives with you at least 50% of the time and
- whose well-being and financial support is your responsibility.
This can include:
- stepchildren
- children at boarding school
- adopted or whāngai children
- grandchildren
- mokopuna.
It does not include children:
- who either:
- earn more than $80 a week before tax
- get a benefit, Student Allowance or another similar type of payment
- for whom you are paid a Work and Income Orphans or Unsupported Child's Benefit.
For the Jobseeker Support Student Hardship and other payments, a child is someone:
- who is under 18 years old and lives with you
- whose financial support is your responsibility.
This can include:
- stepchildren
- children at boarding school
- adopted or whāngai children
- grandchildren
- mokopuna.
It does not include children:
- who either:
- work full-time (30 hours or more a week), including temporary or casual jobs
- get a benefit, Student Allowance or similar type of payment
- for whom you are paid a Work and Income Orphans or Unsupported Child's Benefit.